Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Speak the instructions of Allah

Were the instructions of Allah in talk as the Prophet Muhammad, the instructions and example speak? Ibn Qayyim Al-Jauziyah Zaadul Meringkasnya in Ma'ad as follows:

The Prophet Muhammad is the most eloquent speech among the creatures of God, the good word is one of most, fastest delivery, and the sweetest said, he said. To the word, he was deeply, touched my heart and inspires the soul. There are even his enemies.

When he speaks, his words were detailed and clear, so that it can be computed from the people that want to count. Silence not so fast that nobody could remember and not disjoint or of interrupted between partial partial everything. He speak very perfect guide.

Aisha said: "the Prophet Muhammad spoke never fast just like you, but he spoke with the word clear, detailed, can be saved by people sitting with him." (Narrated by Al-Tirmidhi)

Often, he deliberately repeated the words with the intention that can be understood. If greeting he say it three times as much as.

It contained a lot of silence, speaks without a use. And then close the talks with an eloquent expression. He speaks with a short, but wide set importance (Kalim jawami'ul). Conversation with detailed, no more and no less.

He spoke not about something that get not his attention, and expected talk reward except on things. [Source: Zaadul Abu Ma'ad of Ibn Qayyim Al-Jauziyah]
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