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Pakistan arrest a CIA spy

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Pakistan arrest of CIA spy-it can be true, that in this month is the Shichong spy. After Iran captured U.S. spy spy captured Palestine Israel (8 / 6), then Egypt captured spies, Israel is now the turn of Pakistan spying by U.S. intelligence agency CIA. No liability-liability, spies was arrested five people. US media also reported that the message itself is Pengkapan. The New York Times reported on Wednesday (3 / 6), Pakistan's military secret service arrested five informants of Pakistan, who am the CIA prior to the attack, which Osama, laden contributed. One of his spies, which is a large Pakistani army alone.
The Swiss Agency on Agency inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), not to the report comment. While Director of Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Leon Panetta, calling the fates of a CIA informant during the talks with the Pakistani army and intelligence officials in Pakistan last week, said US officials in closed briefings last week, Deputy Director of the CIA described Pakistan's cooperation with the United States Antiterorisme three out of 10, is in place, the official said told the newspaper. [A / PBV]
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Eight fighter jets Israel machines stolen

The eight engine fighter jets Israel disappeared. Base is parts of the F-15 and F 16s Zionist to the Tel NOF air near Tel Aviv, which has been stolen. Israel's military police investigation of the theft, he staged Monday was (1 / 6).

"The military police have opened an investigation into this matter on," said the spokesman told AFP without further elaboration or confirm the news of the theft.

Israel air force official, was quoted as Maariv say the newspaper said that aircraft parts were stolen, was an eight engine from the F-15 jet fighters and F-16 are from the Tel NOF air force base. You don't have to be determined when the theft occurred.

The theft of machinery weighing several tons and could only be carried by a large truck was military as 'very serious'. So a newspaper offer Yom Ha. [A / Hdy]

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Erdogan submit his resignation to President ghoul

Erdogan submit his resignation to the President of ghoul Prime Minister of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan submitted the resignation of his Government to President Abdullah ghoul, Tuesday (2 / 6). Ghoul accept resignation at the Presidential Palace.

"President resignation of the Cabinet of ghoul, under the leadership of Prime Minister Erdogan accepted today" said Cankaya Office Kepresiden, after a meeting between Erdogan and Ghoul in the Presidential Palace.

This resignation after election results last Sunday (12 / 6). The resignation was part of the political process is already common in Turkey. After the election of the Government and the head of the Government immediately declared pass Domisioner, and the power of the President. Later, the President is form-arrange a Government of party, won the elections.

Justice and development party or ACP (Adalet ve Kalkinma Partisi) won the elections in Turkey in 2011 (12 / 6) and make it 49.85% 326 to gain 550 seats in Parliament. So, after the resignation was Erdogan a new Government in 2011 election results than the 61. Turkey cabinet form. [To / BSB]

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Pornography addiction makes the brain damaged and impotent

Pornography addiction makes the brain damaged and impotent in addition to the forbidden religions and contrary to moral values are addicted to pornography can lead to brain damage and impotence. Research in Italy recently as Medindia (17 / 6) shows a great connection between addiction to pornography and erectile dysfunction or impotence reported. Professor of Urology at the University of Padua Carlo ForestA did a survey of young men who have sexual problems. ForestA found 70 percent of young people seeking help for clinical problems with sexual addiction to pornography on the Internet. "Many young men at the age of 20 years or more, could not get the girl in the real world to make, have a habit of just pornography or masturbation." Will discuss these men never open this with friends or colleagues for fear that it will be a laughing stock. But if any of them the problem in the health forum told me, it is many of the answers of others, who have also the same problem ", said one of the participants, the ForestA. According to ForestA, impotence, which can be cured in connection with pornography. "It used about 4 to 12 weeks but for a period of recovery, to avoid the intense sexual stimulation."Of those who eventually setting restored the use of pornography, of which many had paid a visit to the doctor, underwent various tests and said 'fine physically,' ", explains Prof. ForestA, who is also the head of the Italian society of Andrology and sexual medicine."
According to other experts, are addictive pornography can cause that damage to the brain and even exceed the damage caused by drugs. [A / PBV]
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Iraq rejected outright demands us replace funds settlement

Iraq rejected outright calls Rohrabacher funds during a visit to Baghdad (8 / 6) along with five other members of the US Congress. Demands to pay the money to the US for eight years, since the American invasion was controversial in 2003 considered IT and are issued not responsible.

"they fired deliberately controversial issues that affect strategic relations between Iraq and the United States." Ask for compensation of war and we are not obliged to, nothing pay for anyone who is involved in invasion of Iraq, "Government said spokesman Iraq, Ali al-Dabbagh as quoted Reuters.

After al-Dabbagh statement said the US Embassy in the Iraq, that it not meeting the requirements of the Rohrabacher official attitude of the US Government. The requirements of the changing funding occupation "Mega Dollar" was purely his personal opinion. [To / BSB]

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Israel: Stop all aid or cartridge ton in the Gaza Strip

Amid reports of Krisisnya it would be threatened to make Gaza violence against any attempt of sea fleet pro-Palestinian activists who try to humanitarian aid for medicines in Gaza Israeli military authorities.

"No ship could be headed for the Gaza Strip,", said that a military quoted officials as saying that-Reuters threatening a relief fleet was planned for Gaza on the third Sunday in June to leave.

Israel also threatened, the the source "has been opened the sea, in the Gaza Strip are flooded with weapons and missiles."

Organized by a coalition of pro-Palestinian groups, of which based a fleet of freedom II, mostly in Europe.

The Mission of the first was from after the first failed mission where the troops attacked the mission Israel, fleet on 31 May 2010, activists nine killed and wounded around 50 Turkey.

Organizers say that the new convoy of about 15 boats and more than 1,000 pro-Palestinian activists will be.

Implement the regime of Israel to an economic siege on the Gaza Strip in June 2007 after the democratically elected Hamas took over the management of the region. [A / EM]

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Israel financial crime section $4.4 billion

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Financial crime section $4.4 billion in Israel Israeli Government report revealed that crimes committed Jewish Israel have cost more than $ 4 billion per year.

The report offered Ministry Israel Security recently revealed this crime with varied form swallow Israel's finance $ 4.4 billion in 2010, as the press reported Yediot Aharonot be Israel.

The Ministry said that the figures based on the total amount of physical damage by criminal acts in relation to the results of the national income were calculated.

In this context, the Yediot Aharonot said Kerugiaan, who caused evil a decade ago the financial drain of Israel amounted to us $ 46 billion.

According to the report was the crime of murder at the top of the list, that the financial burden in the last year, Israel and sexual crimes, followed by the crime of fraud and robbery. [Republic]

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Rob Israel Gaza nature, the Americans take part in

Rob Israel Gaza nature, Americans participate reasonably-natural gas supply deficiency who had won his regime, Israel bargain price of Egypt is a rich natural source of Gaza now, robbing the legally for the Palestinians is part of.

Department of energy of the Palestinian Government in Gaza to condemn, the audacity, Israel, but next «rape» still hold Israel,

Press TV report (2 / 6), earlier this week, the giant company oil exploration and gas-United noble energy, begin to do permission from officials in Israel the use of natural gas off the coast of the Gaza Strip. Israel has also for many years the oil and gas in the northeastern Gaza Strip, the formerly part of the Palestinian territories.

In 2000 British dug gas (BG) two fountains in the Palestinian territories, with the name of Gaza Gaza marine-marine 1 and 2. The value of the well will be expected to be $ 4 billion. [A / IRB]

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ACP won an absolute Turkey election 2011

ACP won an absolute Turkey 2011 elections justice and development won the elections in Turkey party or ACP (Adalet ve Kalkinma Partisi) in 2011 with the acquisition of 49.9% vote. Victory of the Islamic leaning political party leader Erdogan was the third victory in a row since 2002.

Turkey election 2011 followed by 15 political parties and independent candidates. Not a lot of the surveys of the elections, election results differ above. The 15 political parties could the 10% threshold for parliamentary threshold to reach only three votes. Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi (CHP) in second place with a 25.9% of the vote results and nationalist movement party (MHP) of the third order with 12.9% of the vote results to the ACP with 49.9% of the vote, results.

With this great victory, Erdogan will return ascertained the country lead appeared, and Turkey will manage without quitting the coalition with other parties.

ACP will platform a major change in Turkey with the realization of the Turkey 2023 as earlier on. ACP can also changes to the Constitution of Turkey, which are thoroughly in line with the vision and ideas, which are the strategic policy of the party. [To / BSB]

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Interested in Islam, Tony Blair read the Koran every day

Interested in Islam, Tony Blair read the Koran every day - since the arrow by the Office of the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom in 2007, Tony Blair began to change. "We don't do God" unspecified heard of again. He claimed a few months after the fall, Catholic. Now, Blair said Al-Quran text reading every day.
Quran helped her literacy believe so Blair observer said in an interview with the magazine.
"Literate faith so important in the era of globalization such as this." I read the Koran every day as an attempt to understand what is happening in the world and because of its nature that featuring ", said Blair.
Blair believes that his knowledge of Islam helps as his role during this time as an Ambassador for the Middle East Quartet of the United Nations, the United States, the European Union (EU) and Russia. He would like to help to solve the Palestinian Israeli conflict, which has taken a long time.
He said not only that, Blair praised also Islam as a religion and the Prophet Mohammed as a powerful figure.
Previously Blair had declared in 2006 that the Koran is a book that holds Bereformasi, practical, and seemingly created before his time.[A / IC]
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Predicted 45-47%, Turkey, ACP won the election for the third time

Predicted, 45-47%, Turkey, ACP won the election for the third time today will determine a few hours of Turkey the choice in the June 12 General elections. As Al-Jazeera reported today (12 / 6), Journal of ACCION predicted the justice and Development Party (AKP) return with elections won 45-47 percent. This victory was the third victory in a row since 2002.

The Islamic leaning party leader Erdogan was very confident, the choice of bringing platform "Turkey 2023" and make it as campaign material to win. Target development and rapid progress Turkey this year coincide with the centennial of Turkey.

On the other hand, the party nationalist CHP and MHP, lead the expected to the number two and three, face the risk of falling before the election Elektabilitas scandal be amoral. However ACP victory was made possible not because of the cases. ACP has made economic achievements as main material of the campaign. The mainstay of both the campaign material is the democratisation of ACP. "Ekonomide, Demokraside," sound which scattered during the campaign posters and banners ACP.

Two periods of the victory of the AKP since 2002 in fact is very significant change from the side of the Turkish economy and democracy. Turkey predicted reached per Kapit income rises three times at the end of this year compared to 2002 when the ACP for the first time won. The influence of Turkey increased also in the global scene, particularly in connection with the Islamic world. Earlier this year Prime Minister Erdogan projects also Melaunching lighthouse in various cities in Turkey, marking the country's economic progress achieved. [To / BSB]

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Speak the instructions of Allah

Were the instructions of Allah in talk as the Prophet Muhammad, the instructions and example speak? Ibn Qayyim Al-Jauziyah Zaadul Meringkasnya in Ma'ad as follows:

The Prophet Muhammad is the most eloquent speech among the creatures of God, the good word is one of most, fastest delivery, and the sweetest said, he said. To the word, he was deeply, touched my heart and inspires the soul. There are even his enemies.

When he speaks, his words were detailed and clear, so that it can be computed from the people that want to count. Silence not so fast that nobody could remember and not disjoint or of interrupted between partial partial everything. He speak very perfect guide.

Aisha said: "the Prophet Muhammad spoke never fast just like you, but he spoke with the word clear, detailed, can be saved by people sitting with him." (Narrated by Al-Tirmidhi)

Often, he deliberately repeated the words with the intention that can be understood. If greeting he say it three times as much as.

It contained a lot of silence, speaks without a use. And then close the talks with an eloquent expression. He speaks with a short, but wide set importance (Kalim jawami'ul). Conversation with detailed, no more and no less.

He spoke not about something that get not his attention, and expected talk reward except on things. [Source: Zaadul Abu Ma'ad of Ibn Qayyim Al-Jauziyah]
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Learn from the victory of the ACP-Turkey

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

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Belajar dari Kemenangan AKP Turki - Subhaanallah… Partai Keadilan dan Pembangunan atau AKP (Adalet ve Kalkinma Partisi) kembali mencatat sejarah fenomenal. AKP memenangi pemilu 12 Juni 2011 dengan suara mayoritas; melampaui jajak pendapat menjelang pemilu yang memprediksi AKP memperoleh 47% suara. Yang luar biasa, suara AKP terus naik dari 34,43% pada pemilu 2002, menjadi 46,47% pada pemilu 2007, lalu 49,85% pada pemilu 2011.

Didukung 21.441.303 suara, AKP berhasil mendapatkan 326 kursi parlemen. Dengan 59,3% kursi yang dimiliki AKP ini, AKP bisa kembali membangun pemerintahan tanpa perlu koalisi. Namun demikian, Erdogan tetap membuka kesempatan untuk berkoalisi dengan partai lainnya.

Kemenangan mayoritas AKP Turki ini tampaknya perlu dipelajari partai Islam, termasuk di Indonesia. Sebab tanpa kemenangan dan menjadi pemerintah, partai Islam belum bisa merealisasikan dakwah yang diembannya secara keseluruhan. Tanpa memenangi pemilu dan memasuki mihwar daulah, partai dakwah belum bisa mewujudkan platform dan kebijakan dakwahnya secara menyeluruh; menebar rahmat bagi bangsa.

Lalu apa rahasia kemenangan AKP yang bisa diadopsi oleh partai Islam, termasuk di Indonesia? Meminjam istilah DR. Ali Muhammad Ash-Shalabi dalam Fiqhun Nashr wat Tamkin, selain sebab-sebab materiil, untuk memperoleh kemenangan juga diperlukan sebab-sebab maknawi. Keduanya dimiliki AKP dan bisa diadopsi oleh partai Islam lain. Namun sebelum itu perlu dipertegas bahwa kemenangan dakwah adalah pertolongan Allah. Maka sehebat apapun usaha dan strategi pemenangan dakwah, pertama-tama ia harus menggantungkan diri kepada Allah. Meyakini bahwa kemenangan adalah pertolongan Allah dan meningkatkan taqarrub kepada-Nya, dengan demikian menjadi langkah pertama dan paling utama bagi partai Islam, partai dakwah. Dan ini pula yang dimiliki oleh AKP.

Segala bentuk ibadah, komitmen kepada kitab Allah dan sunnah Rasul-Nya serta teguh di atas tujuan Islam, yang bisa dirangkum dalam istilah “taqarrub ilallah” juga merupakan sebab-sebab maknawi kemenangan. AKP berusaha keras memenuhi hal itu. Meskipun dengan segala keterbatasan di lingkungan eksternal Turki yang masih sangat sekuler, banyak diantara caleg perempuan AKP yang belum "berani" berjilbab. Taqarrub ilallah ini pula yang harus ditingkatkan oleh semua partai Islam sebagai pondasi aktifitas siyasi, tidak terkecuali di Indonesia.

Clean Government
Diantara sebab-sebab materiil kemenangan AKP adalah komitmennya untuk mewujudkan clean government. Pada mulanya, ketika mengikuti pemilu 2002, AKP mengkampanyekan clean government. Masyarakat tertarik dan berharap dengan janji itu. Pemerintahan korup selama 80 tahun sebelumnya ditambah dengan kualitas moral politisi AKP menjadikan masyarakat tak percaya lagi kepada “wajah-wajah lama” dan menaruh harapan kepada AKP. Dari sana AKP mengantongi sekitar 34,43% suara pada pemilu 2002.

“Janji menerbitkan harapan,” tulis Anis Matta dalam Serial Cinta, “tapi pemberian melahirkan kepercayaan.” Demikianlah apa yang dilakukan AKP dan didapatkannya. Kampanye 2002 barulah janji yang membuat rakyat Turki berharap pemerintahan membaik. Harapan itu disalurkan dengan memilih AKP. Lalu setelah menang, AKP mewujudkan janji itu. AKP memberikan kepada Turki apa yang telah ia janjikan; clean government. Maka lahirlah kepercayaan kepada AKP yang terus membesar, mengakumulasi sepanjang waktu hingga pemilu 2007 dan rakyat menjadi lebih loyal dengan memberikan suara 46,47% kepada AKP.

Clean government yang dijanjikan AKP pada kampanye 2002 diwujudkan selama pemerintahannya. Dan dari 2007 hingga 2011, AKP menjaga baik kepercayaan itu. Pemerintahan yang relatif bersih dari korupsi menjadikannya dipercaya kembali oleh rakyat pada pemilu 12 Juni 2011 kemarin. Maka suara pun meningkat menjadi 49,85%.

Mewujudkan pemerintah yang bersih dari korupsi semestinya juga dilakukan oleh semua partai Islam. Sebab, itulah semangat politik Islam, itulah nilai yang diperjuangkan oleh Islam. Itu pula yang menjadikan partai Islam dipercaya; bahwa orang-orang yang dikenal shalih dalam aspek moral juga menjadi orang yang shalih ketika berurusan dengan uang dan kekuasaan. Sekali partai Islam ternoda oleh kasus korupsi, ia bisa kehilangan kepercayaan dalam jumlah besar. Lalu jika kasus korupsi terjadi berkali-kali pada partai Islam, ia bisa kehilangan kepercayaan publik sama sekali.

Memajukan Ekonomi
Setali tiga uang dengan program clean government, AKP berhasil memajukan perekonomian Turki. Bersamaan dengan pemerintahan yang bersih dari korupsi, maka penghematan besar bisa dilakukan dan APBN mengalir lebih besar untuk kepentingan rakyat. Kepiawaian Erdogan dan AKP dalam memperbaiki ekonomi membuat pendapatan per kapita Negara tersebut naik tiga kali lipat pada akhir tahun nanti dibandingkan dengan 2002 ketika kali pertama AKP berkuasa.

Begitu memerintah pada 2002, AKP melakukan perbaikan regulasi untuk investor asing. Undang-undang investasi asing berhasil digolkan pada tahun 2003. Sejalan dengan itu pertumbuhan ekonomi terus meningkat. Pada awal tahun 2011 ini Erdogan telah melaunching proyek-proyek mercusuar di sejumlah kota besar di Turki, terutama Istanbul dan Ankara.

Proyek-proyek mercusurar di bidang kesehatan, olahraga, industri pertahanan, hingga pusat sejarah yang dipresentasikan Erdogan menjadi simbol kemajuan ekonomi di negara itu. Kemajuan ekonomi itulah yang menjadi isu utama kampanye AKP. Prestasi-prestasi ekonomi selama pemerintahan AKP menjadi materi kampanye pemilu 2011 ini.

Di masa ketika pemilih pragmatis seperti sekarang ini, ekonomi menjadi salah satu pertimbangan utama dalam menentukan pilihan. Artinya, partai apa yang dipercaya mampu untuk memajukan perekonomian, maka itulah yang akan dipilih. AKP mampu menunjukkan bukti bahwa di bawah pemerintahannya Turki mencapai kemajuan dalam ekonomi. Sebenarnya, fenomena ini juga sejalan dengan ajaran Islam agar pemimpin melayani kaumnya: “sayyidu qaum khaadimuhum”. Ada pula kadiah lain: bahwa manusia itu akan setia kepada orang yang melayaninya.

Komitmen Moral
Islam sangat mengedepankan akhlak dan moralitas. "Innamaa bu'itstu li'utammimma makaarimal akhlaq." Sabda Sang Nabi itu menjadi sangat relevan dan seharusnya menjadi prioritas utama Partai Islam. Salah satu kelebihan AKP adalah mengamalkan nilai Islam itu; menjaga moralitas.

Salah satu rival AKP yang kemudian mengalami penurunan suara pada pemilu 2011 ini adalah MHP (Milliyetçi Hareket Partisi). Dari 14,26% pada pemilu 2007, suara MHP turun menjadi 12,97%. Sebabnya tidak lain adalah skandal seks yang menimpa politisi partai itu menjelang pemilu. Mei 2011 kasus amoral itu menjadi pembicaraan meluas yang turut menurunkan suara MHP.

Di saat partai lain –bukan hanya MHP- terlibat skandal amoral, AKP relatif mampu menjaga kualitas moral kadernya sebagai partai berhaluan Islam. Semestinya, ini pula yang harus dipertahankan oleh seluruh partai Islam di negara manapun.

Tokoh Kharismatik
Hampir semua kemenangan-kemenangan besar partai politik didukung oleh adanya tokoh besar pula. AKP juga memiliki poin ini. Recep Thayyib Erdogan, yang kini menjadi Perdana Menteri Turki sekaligus ketua umum AKP merupakan tokoh kharismatik yang dijadikan ikon partai. Maka dalam alat peraga kampanye, baik baliho, spanduk, hingga website, gambar Erdogan mendominasi. Ini menjadi salah satu “marketing value” bagi AKP.

Erdogan menjadi pemimpin kharismatik bukan saja karena kemampuan memimpinnya, tetapi juga kedekatannya dengan rakyat. Dalam banyak kesempatan, Erdogan bertemu dengan rakyatnya dalam berbagai situasi dan tidak mengambil jarak. Komunikasi dan kedekatan itu menjadikan rakyat mencintai pemimpin yang tampil sederhana ini. Erdogan juga suka bertemu dengan anak-anak, termasuk pelajar dan dalam pertemuan-pertemuan itu tampak Erdogan menjadi sahabat yang baik bagi mereka; tanpa jarak atau hambatan komunikasi antara mereka.

Ini juga menjadi salah satu PR bagi banyak partai Islam di Negara lain, termasuk Indonesia. Banyaknya tokoh yang “setara” adalah bagus di satu sisi, namun di sisi yang lain merupakan kelemahan karena sulitnya mencari tokoh sentral yang yang menjadi ikon partai seperti Erdogan.

Isu Kampanye, Komunikasi Publik
AKP tampaknya tahu persis apa yang “marketable” dari sejumlah kebaikan dan pelayanan yang telah diberikannya kepada rakyat selama ini. Meskipun AKP memiliki agenda dakwah, yang tampak nyata dengan upaya melegalisasi jilbab, desekuralisasi, dan sebagainya, AKP tahu itu bukan isu yang tepat untuk diekspose menjelang pemilu. Mengingat juga, cengkeraman sekularisasi di Turki telah mengakar hampir satu abad lamanya.

Dua hal utama yang kemudian diangkat menjadi isu utama kampanye pemilu 2011 ini adalah ekonomi dan demokrasi. Dan pada kedua poin ini AKP telah menanam saham cukup besar. AKP telah mampu meningkatkan ekonomi Turki hingga mengalami kemajuan yang signifikan. Sementara pada aspek demokrasi, AKP membuka kran kebebasan bagi masyarakat Turki untuk menyuarakan aspirasinya, sekaligus mengaktualisasikan dirinya. Tentu saja demokratisasi ini menjadi angin segar bagi umat Islam yang selama empat dekade terbatasi dalam menjalankan aktifitas keislamannya. Demokratisasi diterima oleh mayoritas publik; dakwah Islam bisa berkembang, aspirasi masyarakat juga terakomodir.

Selama masa kampanye –bahkan jauh hari sebelumnya- Erdogan dan tokoh-tokoh AKP membangun komunikasi yang relatif intens dengan konstituennya. Di panggung kampanye, AKP memilih bahasa yang tepat dengan konstituen yang dihadapinya. Bentuk komunikasi lain seperti alat peraga juga didesain khusus untuk memenangkan pemilu sesuai dengan keunggulan AKP sekaligus dipertemukan dengan "selera" publik. “Ekonomide, Demokraside,” demikian bunyi baliho dan spanduk AKP yang tersebar selama masa kampanye, sejalan dengan keunggulan yang dimiliki AKP.

Berorientasi pada pelayanan kepada rakyat, lalu mengartikulasikan keunggulan-keunggulan itu menjadi isu utama kampanye serta menuangkannya dalam bentuk paling tepat sesuai "selera" publik, harusnya juga dilakukan partai Islam manapun. Hingga akhirnya kemenangan menjadi buah dari benih kebaikan yang ditanam sepanjang masa; seperti dipetik AKP yang kini kita saksikan bersama. Wallaahu a'lam bish shawab. [BersamaDakwah]

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Turkey: We are the leading supporter of Palestinian independence

Turkey: We are the leading proponents of the independence of the Palestinian Authority President Abdullah ghoul said Turkey would vote for the resolution of the United Nations in Palestine as sovereign States recognise. This attitude is contrary to the wishes of the Israel, Turkey, not to support the Palestinians recently asked.

President Abdullah Gul said that Turkey hoped to establish an independent Palestinian State on the basis of the borders of 1967, with East Jerusalem as the capital. In fact, the Ghoul also confirmed that Turkey of one of the strongest supporters is of Palestinian independence.

"We are one of the strongest supporters of independence for the Palestinians," said ghoul Japan newspaper Nihon Keizai Shimbun.

On the contrary, Israel said, the earlier this week Turkey humanitarian ship fleet to Gaza require locks, ghoul, relationship to deteriorate further. "Diplomatic relations between Turkey and Israel in recent years Palestinian so that related issues won support from Turkey for a further resolution in an effort to improve bilateral relations deteriorated" the Ghoul's statement. [To / BSB]

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Union of Muslim scholars say congratulations to the International Union of Muslim

Union of Muslim scholars say congratulations to your victory, the International Union of Muslim cleric Yusuf Qaradawi, Chairman of the Board of the ACP gave his congratulations to the people of Turkey and of the ACP party, the parliamentary elections in Turkey won, as from the official site qaradawi.net reported.
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Doomsday prophecy, Soothsaying, still unproven, camping-stroke

Harold Camping, an evangelist preacher that attention now are the United States world due to the predicted Apocalypse, had seized in the hospital due to a stroke. Camping was rushed Thursday to the hospital after filling his daily routine of "Open Forum" (9/6) in Oakland, California. According to the spokesman of the camping, Monday (1 / 6).
The man was treated for 89 years in a hospital in the San Francisco Bay area. Spokesman, Tom Evans, told of Reuters that camping is still fine. "His condition is good and that's all we wanted to share this now,", Evans said over the telephone.
Camping predicted that the Rapture will take place on Saturday (21 / 5) exactly at 18.00 in different time zones in parts of the world. He also says that Jesus will come that day. Most Americans believe the forecast donate camping and some money. Camping had disappeared a few days to bring a donation worth hundreds of billions of rupiah, after his predictions have been detected.
Without explaining why his predictions were, once again proved to be camping on Tuesday (24 / 5) and predict that the resurrection took place on 21 October. Is a stroke suffered Kini for her doomsday in the camping? We just wait. [To / BSB]
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Minister of the Interior of Somalia was killed attacked her niece

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Case three suicide attacks in Mogadishu within three weeks.Minister of the Interior of Somalia, Abdi Shakur Sheikh Hassan, were killed in a suicide attack at his home in the capital Mogadishu.
Authorities say the suicide bomb attacks carried out by the nephew of sister who was a teenager who joined Islamic militant groups, al-Shabab.
Her niece was already visited the House several times and the guards did not perform security checks.
He walked into the House, detonating the bomb and instantly killed.
Minister Abdi Shakur Sheikh Hassan was killed due to injuries while being in flight for further treatment in neighbouring Kenya.
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Bomb in Afghanistan, 16 killed

Kandahar is one of the provinces which became the base of the Taliban in AfghanistanEnam twelve people, including children, were killed when their vehicle hit a bomb in the southern province of Kandahar, Afghanistan, said the Interior Ministry.
The attack occurred in the Arghandab district, the area that is not stable in the presence of the Taliban are strong enough.
This is the latest in a series of heavy attacks lately.
UN says in May is the month of the worst civil victims in Afghanistan since 2007.
Earlier, at least three people including a quick reaction police unit commander were killed and 12 injured in a suicide attack in Khost Province, in the eastern part of the country.
Militant groups in Afghanistan often makes the police and military serangai their target.
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Chinese hackers attacking each other and Viet Nam

China and Viet Nam border dispute tinged war between Viet Nam and the border between peretasPerselisihan China now tinged with virtual world war among hacker of both countries.
The computer hackers attacking each other to hundreds of sites, including the internet pages belongs to the Government.
Chinese hackers have reportedly been loading the image of the Chinese flag on the site belongs to Viet Nam and hackers by installing a Viet Nam reward picture gunman in a number of Chinese websites.
During this relationship between Viet Nam and China could be called awkward and public action of the two countries is the action that is rare.
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Forest fire in Arizona USA extends

Fires spread thick smoke in the Arizona around six of the State. Thousands of people in the U.S. State of Arizona, took refuge from the great fire in the area. The fire spread in the last 10 days.
The events are referred to as a giant fire that is the second largest place in American history.
The wind caused the fire spread in a number of areas of Greer, a small town near the border of the State of New Mexoco, and threaten 7,000 residents who settled there.
Firefighters using bulldozers on Tuesday (7/6) to get rid of shrubs and trees, and attempted to make the line between the location of the fire with the settlement of the population to prevent the spread of fire.
Officials said the fire broke out about 10 miles from the town of Eagar and Springerville, which caused the population to prepare for evacuation.
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US troops might stay in Iraq

Saturday, June 18, 2011

The end of 2011 is the end of the withdrawal of u.s. forces from IrakIrak seem to be asking the United States to stay in the country despite the withdrawal until the end of 2011.
CIA Director Leon Panetta said '' there is a belief that their request as it will pass on ' '.
He added that an official request from Baghdad come out, then Washington would have to grant it.
But Panetta did not say how many or what role do these forces if it remained in Iraq.
He said there are still about 1,000 members of the al-Qaeda in Iraq, and the situation is still '' vulnerable '' so presumably the presence of US troops is still needed.
"I believe if we have to take any steps that are required to keep developments underway there, '' said Panetta.
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FAO: food prices remain high

panganWorld food prices will remain high and volatile two this year despite rising production.

Food and Agriculture Organization of the UNITED NATIONS (FAO) through the analysis of Food twice setahunnya said increased demand will absorb most of the increase in production.

The FAO State of food price index in May was 232, only six numbers lower than the highest level in February.

Higher food prices could mean the cost of importing food to poor countries up to 30%.

This can mean they will spend 18% of imports this year for the needs of food, while the average world food imports was 7%.

It was declared a period of several months in advance is important in determining the State of the staple food of the year.

"The State of the General agriculture and commodities, the price of the world remains high, threatening most low-income countries and the shortage of food"

The index may FAO-who calculate the change in the price of Staples, such as pulp, oil, milk, meat and sugar – 37% higher than a year ago.

Director market FAO David Hallam said: "the State of the common agriculture and commodities, the price of the world remains high, threatening most low-income countries and food shortages."

FAO said although the State of the future promising in some countries, like Russia and Ukraine, keadaaan weather-whether the shortage or excess rain can disrupt the production of grain-in Europe and North America.

In 2010, Russia banned exports of drought making porridge. But the improved weather conditions this year means the export should be back to normal.

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Gaddafi's forces were accused of rapes

gaddafiThe International Court of Justice declared Gaddafi use rape as a tool for spreading ketakutanMahkamah International said there is evidence that mention Colonel Muammar Gaddafi ordered his troops to rapes of hundreds of women as a weapon against the rebel forces.

The head of an International Court Prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo mentions rape as a new aspect of oppression perpetrated Gaddafi.

'' Apparently he decided to punish by rapes, '' said Luis Moreno-Ocampo.

However, Luis admits it's hard to know how large the scale of rape.

'' In some areas we have 100 people raped, '' he added.

"Apparently he decided to punish by rapes"

He also said there is a possibility if the Gaddafi given Viagra to enhance their sexual desires.

Some witnesses claimed to see the Government of Libya Buy Viagra box to run the policy of rape, and to '' increase the likelihood for rapes ''.

Luis says his side Central investigating a number of parties involved.

The case of rape was first revealed in March when a woman Libya, Eman al-Obeidi, claimed to be raped by Libya. Now he is in a refugee Center in Romania.

So far there has been no comment from Libyan authorities related allegations of mass rape.

Last month, Luis Moreno-Ocampo has asked the International Court of Justice to issue an arrest warrant against Col. Gaddafi and head intelejennya Abdullah al-Sanussi.

He accused those doing the two categories of crimes of humanity-murder and torture-and call them responsible for the attacks against civilians in the early demo anti Government February ago.

At least an estimated 500 to 700 people were killed in the incident.

The Government of Libya itself does not recognize the jurisdiction of the International Court of justice.

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Burma's wish list to record investment of US $ 20 billion

Persiden Thein Sien dan PM Wen JiabaoPersiden Thein Sien and PM China Wen JiabaoBirma received a record amount of foreign investment of US $ 20 billion in the period of one year later, so the statement that country.

A record that means speeding the promises of the previous capital investment for the country which alienated it.

That amount contrasts with the investment of only US $ 302 million in 2010 and a total of $ 16 billion in over two decades later.

China, which adjoined immediately with Burma, is the largest investor and most of the investments that will be used for the construction of electric power projects.

Countries that have long governed the military junta that carry out the elections last year for the first time in 22 years.

These figures show that the election might have managed to open the country's economy, which for many years subject to sanctions because of its human rights record.

Chinese embed capital US $ 8,27 billion from January to March 2011, followed by Hong Kong amounted to US $ 5.39 billion and Thailand US $ 2.94 billion, according to the Ministry of national development planning.

The general election

Aung San Suu KyiAung San Suu Kyi had no representatives in Parliament

Party-military-backed party won the largest number of seats on the ballot in November 2010 in Burma-the country officially known as Myanmar.

Based on the Constitution of 2008, then 25% of seats reserved for the military.

Opposition groups and Western countries criticize the legislation governing elections and denounced the election as the mock.

The party won the elections in Burma in 1990, the National League for democracy (LND) led by Nobel Prize winner, Aung San Suu Kyi, had no representatives in Parliament.

The President of the new, Thein Sein, is a retired General who had become Prime Minister and junta leaders loyal to the see, General Than Shwe.

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Various questions related to WEF

Logo WEFFor the first time the World Economic Forum, WEF Asia, East Asia was held in Jakarta, Indonesia.

About 500 business leaders and the community is expected to attend the WEF which took place in several places on the 12 and 13 June 2011.

What is the World Economic Forum, WEF?
The World Economic Forum or the WEF is a non-profit organization Foundation that consists of a businessperson, politician, scholar and community leader. This Forum is not only steeped in economics, but also struggled in the other important issues such as environment, health, and food. WEF is famous for its annual meeting in Davos which was already a mandatory agenda for most world leaders, be it pemimpim governance, business, and NGOs.

What is the Mission of WEF?
WEF is committed to improving conditions in the world through projects for specific issues, such as treatment and prevention of HIV/AIDS, the supply of clean water, and the dialogue between Islam and the West. The Summit of the WEF to the world government leaders and members of the WEF to map out solutions to global challenges, such as terrorism and corporate cross country. With the development of views on issues that matter, then the WEF has a unique position in mobilizing people and resources to provide a response.

When the WEF established?
Seed forum is appeared in 1971 when Professor Klaus Schwab of business administration, University of Geneva, invited the European world business leaders in Davos to discuss global management efforts. The success of the meeting was encouraging Professor Schwab founded the Forum Manahemen Europe which later changed its name to the World Economic Forum, WEF.

Shanghai Handling of global disorder
How different Asian approach in addressing the global crisis?Employment and an inclusive growth
How innovation policies encourage entrepreneurship, employment, and growth?Leadership berskesinambungan
How Asia can achieve long-term food security with a continuous environment and politics?Exploration of new norms in Asia
How to design trade survive from the global disorder and mempromosika development and growth?

Who are the members and partners of WEF?
Member of the WEF represents 1,000 major companies and 200 middle-class company-most of which came from developing countries – as well as large in the region have a share. WEF also has close links with scholars, religious leaders, the media and NGOs.

What distinguishes the WEF Board of finance such as the World Bank and Monetary Fund Finance?
WEF does not give the facility a loan or financial assistance to countries, such as that done by the World Bank and Financial Monetary Fund. Function more as a container or WEF become facilitator for its members in order to meet with the leaders of Government, business, politics and NGOs.

What economic research done WEF?
Economic research carried out by The WEF Competitiveness and performance of the world, who issued a Global Competitiveness Index each year. The Global Competitiveness Index attempting to identify the main problems facing the countries in the world in advancing their economy. Indonesia's position in the Global Competitiveness Index in 2010 ranked 44.

Lalu how with the WEF East Asia?
As the name suggests, the WEF East Asia more give special attention to the figures and leaders in the East Asian countries. Unlike its parent organization, the World Economic Forum does not have a fixed in its annual meeting. This year is the 20th time the forum was held and for the first time the meeting was conducted in Jakarta, Indonesia. In addition to the WEF East Asia, among others also the WEF Africa and WEF Latin America.

Why the WEF East Asia 2011 held in Indonesia?
According to Sushant Palakurthi Rao, Director of the WEF'S Asia, Indonesia was chosen because it is one of the largest economies in the region of ASEAN and also this year under the helm of ASEAN. In addition Indonesia also recorded as a country that is experiencing the most rapid progress on the index of competitiveness amongst the strongest economy in the last five years the G20.

What are the main issues the WEF East Asia this year?
There are four major themes that lead, global disruptions handling, employment and growth that is inclusive, sustainable leadership, as well as the exploration of new norms in Asia.

Source: WEF

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The police internet criminals grebek Asia

Tersangka asal Cina dan Taiwan di kantor imigrasi JakartaThe suspect origin of China and Taiwan at Jakarta Immigration Office, who was arrested at 10 locations terpisahPolisi in Asia, including Indonesia hold several hundred suspects in the attack against a group of criminals who coordinated deceive victims over the telephone and the internet.

Indonesia police say arrested 170 residents of Taiwan and China, Malaysia detained 37 people while Cambodia hold 166 Chinese and a female Viet Nam.

Police in Taiwan and Thailand make sure they do arrest but did not disclose further details.

Publicist Headquarter Polri Boy Rafli Amar said those arrested, 120 men and 50 women, suspected of engaging in cyber crime, and police acted after receiving information from the Government of Taiwan and China.

Those arrested, 97 of Taiwan and the Chinese picked up in 73 10 locations in Jakarta and Bekasi.

Police and immigration officers will be checking their documents before making further coordination with countries of origin.

Kapolsek Serpong, Herbertus Omposunggu, said the 30 suspects arrested allegedly scamming people by using the internet and SMS.

Police officials, Panya Mamen saying Thailand group crime in Thailand to get details of bank accounts and credit cards and draw victims to ask for sending money.

Meanwhile police said Malaysia also made penggrebekan after getting information from China and Taiwan.

"The operation we did over the past twenty-four hours we can know that their modus operandi is to contact the victim in China by using the scripts that have been prepared," said police officer Ismail Syed Azizan was quoted as saying news agency Named.

This criminal syndicate allegedly operate in Kota Kinabalu last month, moved from China and Taiwan after the Government learned of their activities, said the newspaper New Straits Times.

Last year, Malaysia Police Department handles more than 1200 internet fraud with a value of 20 million ringgit US $ 6.6 million dollars, a rise of 2009 with 333 cases involving losses of 4.3 million ringgit.

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Inhabitants of Jisr al-Shughour refuge

Friday, June 17, 2011

Tentara tewas ditayangkan di televisi pemerintah SuriahA soldier was killed in the Jisr al-Shughour mentioned in SuriahSejumlah government television report from Syria mention population Jisr al-Shughour refuge for fear of attacks on Government forces.

Residents reported building obstacles and checkpoints in an attempt to deal with military operations.

The videos are published on the internet site shows a number of children and women to cross the border into Turkey.

The Government of Syria stated will take resolute action to restore the State of Jisr al-Shughour after reports of more than 120 security personnel were killed by armed groups since last weekend.

Officials refute news that mention the murder because of the split military body in Syria.

Activists say the cause of the death of military personnel is still not clear and likely because they defected.

After the murder of officer safety, residents in the city, write a message on Facebook by saying they were worried the massacre occurred.

They asked the residents to close the road towards the town with stones, branches and burned tyres.

"By Allah, we were all civilians, we are not terrorists. There are no terrorists in Jisr al-Shughour "

Tanks and troops of the Government of Syria and the helicopter was reported to have deployed to the city.

Residents in the course of Latakia and Aleppo told BBC Jisr al-Shughour form the sentry to oversee military operations that are central to prepare.

"Today, soldiers moving in the direction of Jisr al-Shughour from various places, such as barracks in Homs and other places in the region Ariha," said a witness to the BBC.

"Many people began to evacuate, partly to Turkey and some are to the other neighboring countries. We are very worried about happening bloodshed in Jisr al-Shughour. "

Peta Suriah20 km from the border North of Turkey is located in the remote province of IdlibDaerah pertanianPenduduk: about 50,000 Sunni Muslim jiwaMayoritas

Dozens of citizens crossing the border into Syria Turkey were treated at hospitals in the South of the country because of injuries they say due to clashes with the army of Syria, said officials of Turkey.

One man who cross the border in severe conditions because of injuries, said a diplomat of Turkey to the AFP news agency.

Lines of communication to the region was cut off Monday (06/06) and details of the attack is difficult to estimate. Syria does not allow foreign journalists reported the happenings there.

Syria's official television said hundreds of armed men took over the town is located about 20 km from the border with Turkey.

Opposition activists say the battle going on, but the situation there was unclear.

Eyewitnesses told the BBC there are no armed groups in the Jisr al-Shughour and that security personnel shot dead since defected.

"By Allah, we were all civilians, we are not terrorists. There are no terrorists in Jisr al-Shughour, "said a witness.

Impressions on YouTube, which mentioned comes from the city, showing some of the bodies was described as the soldiers killed by Government forces since expatriate refused to shoot people.

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The citizens of Syria to Turkey

suriahFuneral protesters anti Government at Jisr al-Shughour the end of the Syria mingguRatusan residents fled to the borders of Turkey because of the violence in his country.

Many people said they left the town of Jisr al-Shughour because the military is expected to be attacked after dozens of soldiers reported killed in the venue.

Residents left in the city was made the bearer of the road to prevent the security log.

Turkey says will not close the border for people seeking protection.

Speaking at a press conference in Ankara, Prime Minister of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Turkey observes the development of the situation and asking Damascus to refrain.

United Kingdom and France increasingly urgent Security Council to vote to condemn the oppression of the Government of Syria to the unrest that has lasted many months.

United Kingdom plans to submit a draft resolution Wednesday (8/6), but different from Libya, the proposal will not be proposing military action against Damascus or the imposition of sanctions.

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Demonstrably back held by dozens of victims in Syria

Warga Suriah berunjuk rasa di tempat pengungsian mereka di Turki The citizens of Syria berunjuk sense in a shelter in Turkey at least 22 people were killed in the latest clash between the masses of demonstrators antipemerintah and security apparatus in various places in Syria.

The activists said the tanks opened fire at al-Numan Maarat in parts of northern Syria, and causes a number of demonstrators were killed and many more injured.

Acts of violence occurred when Government forces began to launch military operations in a small town nearby, where police said 120 security personnel were killed.

Hundreds of civilians fled the Township and from the surrounding villages to Turkey to save themselves from the attack.

Among the activists of the opposition told the BBC that military Syria apply '' scorched earth '' tactics at Jisr al-Shughour with combat helicopters and tanks shelled the town as troops move forward membuldozer houses and burning of crops and farmland.

The Government of Syria has not yet issued a statement in response to this claim.

Activist antipemerintah said 11 people were killed in the province of Idlib at the northern Syria. Most of those killed at Maarat al-Numan where tanks fired on the demonstration. The helicopter also reported shooting masses of protesters.

Warga Suriah memakamkan korban yang tewas di Jisr al-ShughurThe citizens of Syria to bury the victims killed in the Jisr al-Shughur

Government television reported the armed gang invaded Syria a police station in the small town.

A prominent opposition Syria told the news agency the Associated Press in a telephone contact that thousands of demonstrators who merangsek forward to make security apparatus were overwhelmed and then burn a courthouse and police station there.

Syria blocking foreign journalists, including reporters FROM the BBC, go to the area, and this undermines verify reports from Syria.

Meanwhile, five demonstrators were killed in the coastal city of antipemerintah Latakia, said the sources among the activists.

Elsewhere in Syria, two civilians were killed at the hands of the security apparatus in the South of the province of Deraa and four others were killed in the District of Qaboun in the capital, Damascus.

Mass demonstrations against the regime of President Bashar al-Assad rolling since March and later became a weekly event after Friday prayers.

The institutions of HUMAN RIGHTS advocates say more than 1,300 people died when the Government tried to silence the opposition action. Most of them innocent civilians, they said.

The Government of Syria shook off the number of published human rights activist and State security personnel of about 500 people were killed.

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A US rocket attack in Pakistan, 5 dead

The aircraft without crew back deployed to attack militant groups.A number of missile attacks that allegedly carried out the aircraft without crew United States killed at least 17 members of the Group of militants in South Waziristan, Pakistan.

Pakistani intelligence officials say the Sejumpah attack in the province that is close to the border of Afghanistan showed US has identified target important Al-Qaeda or Taliban in the region.

Other allegations are AS found the existence of a large potential threat coming from the area, let alone attack unmanned aircraft are usually concentrated in North Waziristan.

Unmanned attack aircraft in the Afghanistan border area AS more vigorous since the same attack killed one of the officers of the senior Al-Qaeda Ilyas Kashmiri.

"The missiles-missiles that struck the Central Group of militants in the mountains near Wana," said a source from the local intelligence.

In the attack, 14 people were killed, seven of whom are foreign nationals.

Several other people were killed in the second attack as they tried to help his associates Central who became victims of previous attacks.

Meanwhile, in a different attack on the border of North and South Waziristan, a missile hit a car and killed three militants in it.

Since 2009 the Pakistan army launched a massive offensive in South Waziristan to fight rebels to the Taliban.

The great attack resulted in many members of the Taliban crossed into the neighboring provinces of North Waziristan.

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Allies increase funding of Libya

LibyaLibya urged the granting of funding rebels in the amount berartiNegara Western countries and Arab involved in Libya promising aid money for a new funding mechanism for the rebels, in order to raise funds to press the regime of Colonel Gaddafi.

Italy is sending US $ 586 million, France US $ 420 million and Kuwait US $ 180 million.

The promise is delivered in a Liaison Group meeting in Libya Abu Dhabi.

Libya says they need the rebels $ 3 billion in the next four months.

The representatives of the National Transitional Council (NTC) rebel Libya says funds much needed cash to pay salaries and food supply.

The mechanism of the transfer of funds while the rebels Libya is now functioning, said officials at the meeting.

But the journalists reported there is still no sign the rebels demand fulfillment for the lifting of a freeze on Libyan assets in the us.

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Refugees Syria more to Turkey

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Kam pengungsi di TurkiTurkey was determined to continue to accommodate the citizens of Syria who wanted to seek the protection of the pursuit militerSetidaknya 4,300 people now fleeing from violence in Syria and sought refuge in Turkey, said a senior official of Turkey.

A journalist for the BBC at the border said the actual number of people who took refuge in kemungkian much larger. Therefore, many refugees who crossed the border without being seen by military of Turkey.

Senior officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkey, Halite Cevik, saying Turkey would handle this with kriris refugees as possible.

The citizens of Syria's most run from the town of Jisr al-Shughour who became the target of the crackdown to government troops.

An eyewitness tells attack tanks against one village adjacent structures Friday morning that killed many people and destroying food crops.

The Government of Syria says its troops enter the city to restore order after 120 security personnel were killed.

Clashes in all corners of the country Friday inflicting casualties at least 32 people.

Hundreds of people were killed in recent weeks of protests by the rulers of antipemerintah which started in March.

Meanwhile, the White House in Washington denounced the hard "excessive use of force" by Syria against the protesters and asked that the acts of violence "were stopped immediately".

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The number of refugees in Syria more

Peta Jisr al-ShughourInhabitants of Jisr al-Shughour in droves to go to Turkey to save nyawaSekarang this more and more citizens of Syria who fled to Turkey for fear of Government forces will attack the town of Jisr al-Shughour.

About 1,000 people Syria crossed the border Wednesday night, said an official of Turkey, so that the total number of refugees who are in Turkey to 1600 people.

Pope Benedict XVI and the UNITED NATIONS urged Syria not to attack its own people.

An appeal of this comes after the United Kingdom and France proposed draft UN resolution that contains a curse against oppression by the regime of Syria akti protest.

Draft resolution not to give the authority to take concrete action, but it is not clear whether the draft will be dipungutsuarakan, said the journalist.

The attitude of Russia in this still remains a factor in the spread.

Various human rights groups say 1,000 people killed since the protests began in February against the power of Bashar al-Assad, and now seems to be several hundred security forces are also terbubuh.

Unjuk rasa di Jisr al-ShughourJisr al-Shughour became one of the rallies in Syria

Panumpasan of Jisr al-Shughour was a response to claims by Damascus that armed gangs killed 120 members of the security forces there.

The Government says the locals asked for the intervention of troops to the peace and serenity to restore Seleucid.

But the opposite reports mention that the acts of violence spurred on by the soldiers of the troops doing desertion, and that soldiers loyal to kill civilians.

Foreign journalists were denied access to Syria.

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The IAEA's focus to the ' nuclear ' Syria

Bangunan yang diduga fasilitas nuklir SuriahThe facilities of nuclear activities allegedly for Syria was bombed Israel in the International Atomic Energy 2007Badan, IAEA, held a meeting in the center of pressure of the United States and other countries to denounce Syria about alleged nuclear activities secretly.

The latest IAEA report concluded the destroyed facility in Syria in 2007 is a nuclear reactor.

Syria insists it is the site of military non nuclear.

United States and its allies urged that Damascus was reported to the Security Council but some countries against it.

Israel's bombardment of the facility in the desert was allegedly a reactor near Deir Alzour, Northeastern Syria in September 2007.

As much as the 35-member Board of Governors of the IAEA held a meeting during the week at the headquarters of the organization in Vienna, Austria.

In his speech to the Council, the IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano says Syria not cooperating in the case of this though has Deir Alzour given enough time.

Situs tempat reaktor RusiaAmerican CIA intelligence service announced a suspected nuclear site pictures of Syria

However, he said, the Atomic Energy Commission has sent a letter to Syria and discussion still continues.

Amano also said penghancurkan facilities "allegedly made Israel" was "very regrettable".

"Rather than use violence case should be reported to the IAEA," he said.

BBC reporter Bethany Bell in Vienna says to a sense of frustration among the diplomats who have been trying hard ask for access to the site in Syria in three years.

However, according to a BBC journalist, diplomat, more reluctant to propose the resolution by saying Syria offers of cooperation. In addition because of unrest in Syria now may not be as teap applying pressure.

Syria is a signatory to the nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty entitles members enriched fuel for nuclear power plants under the supervision of IAEA.

But Syria is also a signatory to the nuclear safety agreement with the IAEA which oblige the country tells UN agencies if building new nuclear facilities.

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The UNITED NATIONS investigate bloody clash in Sudan

The houses of residents in Abyei that Sudanese forces looted and burned. United Nations (UN) investigations related to the outbreak of the bloody clashes in the area of the oil-rich Sudan, South Kordofan.

The tension in the region increased towards southern Sudan formally became an independent State next July.

A number of problems often trigger tension such as the question of the position of the borders and the future of the region of Abyei.

UN officials in Sudan said a group of gunmen robbing weapons from a police station in the capital of South Kordofan, Kadugli.

A few hours later happens Shootout in a village which is 48km of Kadugli.

Although there are two of these facts, but not yet certain whether the two events were related.

South Kordofan is actually under the control of the Sudan, but many settled in this place Sudanese civil war veterans, especially those from southern Sudan.

The governing party in southern Sudan, The Sudan Liberation Movement (SPLM) was out of the military of Sudan North as the cause of the clashes.

Southern Sudan says clashes that involved the Army North against orders to disarm the armed forces of the South.

Some observers say the Government in Khartoum of trying to accumulate their assets across the border towards the independence of southern Sudan, next July.

The South Sudan Independence Referendum last January was the result of the peace agreement of 2005 that ended the civil war.

On 21 may, armed militia and Northern troops entered the border Abyei remains disengketakan. Tens of thousands of people took refuge when their homes were looted and burned.

Meanwhile Khartoum not to heed the appeal of the UNITED NATIONS Security Council to withdraw its forces from Abyei.

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Garden Germany ' is not the source of the e. coli '

Perkebunan UelzenBean sprouts to Hamburg supplier plantations and Germany utaraTes-the first test of North Germany plantation that is allegedly the source of the outbreak of e. coli expressed negative, said officials of the Lower Saxony.

Of the 40 samples taken from these estates, the officials said the 23 were declared negative.

Further tests will still be done.

They say, the likelihood is difficult to find the source of the plague because it already happened a few weeks.

"The investigation is still continuing," said Lower Saxony Agriculture Ministry Monday (6/6) announced the first tests showed negative results.

Plantation in Uelzen South of Hamburg Sunday was estimated as a plague that killed 22 people and makes about 2,200 others fell ill.

Trial against dozens of other samples of complex agriculture that still continues.

The Agriculture Department says it is not Under Saxoni estimates there will be "brief conclusions" over the results of this test.

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Australia lunakkan children's asylum policy

Pencari suaka anak di MalaysiaGroup rights: children of vulnerable asylum seekers in detention MalaysiaPemerintah Australia soften its policies on sending children asylum seekers without families to processing in Malaysia.

Australia's immigration Minister Chris Bowen told ABC News that all children will be through consideration of a case by case.

The statement that following the announcement of Bowen's last week which mentions that in the plan approval of exchange of refugees with Malaysia there will be no exception.

The institutions of the United Nations (UN) and the well-known activist expressed anger and concern serious will be the safety of children who seek asylum without their families.

Bowen said last week that the children who arrive in Australia without the company of their families will be sent to Malaysia and placed in detention centers while waiting for their cases processed.

But the Government of Australia spicy condemnation relating to alleged acts of violence in detention centers Malaysia.

According to the activist of human rights, the children of women especially targeted groups of criminals and officials are not right.

In a statement Monday that hinted at softening the Government's position, Bowen said that all cases involving children with no family will be considered on an individual basis case by case basis.

But he insisted that no exception a thorough for children who seek asylum without family. Because, according to Bowen, the exception a thorough can encourage smugglers meet their boats with children.

December ago a boat with asylum seekers had an accident on Christmas Island, killing 30 people, including children and infants.

"UNHCR is committed to special consideration and protection measures imposed against decent vulnerable groups, including children who are not accompanied by their families"

In an interview on ABC television's coverage of the morning, Bowen also said "the rules that apply to migrants dark to Malaysia will not be imposed on people who moved from Malaysia to Australia."

He said Australia officials and refugees United Nations, UNHCR, would monitor the treatment of asylum seekers. UNHCR welcomed the move by saying: "this is a step of protection is very important for UNHCR, which continue to discuss with the Government of our two countries."

"UNHCR is committed to special consideration and protection measures imposed against decent vulnerable groups, including children who are not accompanied by their families," according to the UNHCR.

The Government of Australia expressed support for UNHCR are integral requirements in matter of refugees with the agreement Malaysia. Based on the agreement exchange of refugees, a number of up to 800 new ships which arrived in Australia will be relocated to Malaysia.

Instead, Australia will accept 4,000 refugees officially registered live in Malaysia.

Among the children without a family currently reside in the Christmas Island Detention Center and will be sent to Malaysia, there are a number of daughters.

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Japan raise nuclear radiation estimation

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Reaktor FukushimaFukushima reactor operators still have to work hard to deal with the crisis nuklirJepang melipatduakan nuclear radiation estimates that out of the Fukushima NUCLEAR complex in the first week after the catastrophic earthquake and tsunami.

Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency (Nisa) now says 770000 terabecquerel apart into the atmosphere after the cataclysm of 11 March – more than double the estimates announced earlier 370000 terabecquerel.

Although estimates that only 15% of the overall radiation out of the nuclear reactor at Chernobyl in Ukraine in 1986, the worst nuclear disaster in the world, the number indicates that the contamination in the area around Fukushima NUCLEAR PLANTS is worse than previously thought, says BBC reporter Roland Buerk in Tokyo.

Japan's nuclear safety agency also said the melting occurred in three of the reactor more quickly than previously believed.

According to Nisa, melting is causing damage to the reactor No. 2 after 80 hours, and reactor No. 3 79 after tsunami crashing system cooling NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS.

Revised estimates radiasia, issued three months after the crisis started to happen, it might be mempergencar criticism in Japan that the Government and the operators of the STATE too slow in publishing information, says our correspondent.

The new estimate was announced when the panel of experts began a nuclear crisis on the investigation of Fukushima.

Fukushima nuclear reactor Operator, Tepco, hoping to close the atomic energy facility at the latest in January, though there are concerns the time it takes longer.

PTLN is also still having leak radiation.

More than 80,000 residents who live within a radius of 20 km from NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS have been evacuated from their residence. The provisions of the voluntary evacuation policies in the region within a radius of 20-30 km of the NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS.

Some small towns that are further away from NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS are also affected.

The Secretary of the Cabinet of Japan Yukio Edano said the evacuation of an advanced central consideration.

Monitoring shows the topography of the terrain and wind patterns may cause hoarding of radiation in other areas.

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Strauss-Kahn declared not guilty

Dominiqe Strauss-Kahn appear in court accompanied by his wife and a pengawalBekas Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Dominique Strauss-Kahn declared not guilty in court New York to charges of attempting to rape and sexual assault.

Strauss-Kahn was accused of assaulting an employee cleaning a hotel in Manhattan, New York, where he was staying on 14 May.

The allegations that led to him being arrested when it was in the plane would take off to Paris.

The official statement in court that he was not guilty of this signifies a court case against him would be long running.

Court proceedings against him is expected to begin some months away.

The police catch him with seven charges on May 15, including rape, a felony sexual assault, menyekap someone unlawfully and touch with coercion.

Strauss-Kahn languishing in custody for four days in prison Island hide drugs, before being released on bail.

If convicted, Strauss-Kahn faces a maximum penalty of 25 years in prison.

Strauss-Kahn arrived at the courthouse with his wife, television journalist France Anne Sinclair.

A group of hotel workers that are outside the courthouse shouted, ' you are embarrassing! ' as the action of solidarity with the employees of the hotel who accused Strauss-Kahn attacked him.

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The rebels sought out Misrata

MisrataTraffic crashes around the hospital because residents want to mendonor darahPaling No 14 rebels killed since trying out Libya from Misrata.

Troops supporting the rebels stormed the Gaddafi reportedly arriving from the South, East, and West of the city.

Misrata experienced great bombardment until mid May when troops of the rebel supporters Gaddafi was expelled.

The latest battles occurred while NATO increasing operations in Libya, asking the world to prepare for the post-war period, Gaddafi.

Earlier a rebel spokesman told the Reuters news agency that the Government was conducting a new operation against Misrata.

Wednesday's blast was heard up to the East of the town when Government forces fired Grad rockets to attack the rebels.

The rebels told reporters BBC David Loyn in Misrata that they have removed the front line East to the suburb of Tawargha coast.

Twelve rebels were reported killed in the East, two others killed in the West. The doctors said 24 people were injured.

Ambulances carried the injured to be treated. Jammed streets around the hospital Misrata while residents seek to donate blood, the report of our journalists.

The Commander of the southern part of Badi was reportedly injured after Saladin had earlier seen addressed with the face of Badi bloody.

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Yemen began talks politics

Ali Abdullah SalehPresident Ali Abdullah Saleh is still being treated in Saudi SaudiPartai who ruled in Yemen began talks with the group the largest opposition coalition after President Ali Abdullah Saleh to Saudi Arabia to get care of a doctor.

Protesters urge President while Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi to form a Council President to resolve the problem in that country.

The recent violence occurred after a rally of anti Saleh done for months.

He was injured due to an attack on its headquarters Friday.

Official sources told the BBC talks in Sanaa between the people's Congress (GPC) Party and opposition groups Together (JMP) of deliberation is similar to the first time the meeting was held.

In the Islamist Islah party JMP there, Socialist, Nasseris and a number of new independent party.

Negotiations underway to find a way to reach a political way out, but the details of the schedule and topics of conversation are still unclear, report reporters BBC Lina Sinjab from Sanaa.

This step was taken one day after thousands of Government supporters outside the berunjuk sense of pemimin residence, demanding the formation of the Council while the transition to the establishment of a new Government.

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Chicago entrepreneurs involved attack Mumbai

The shutter is considered to help attack the Mumbai by opening offices in India. courts in the U.S. convicting a Chicago businessman guilty of supporting militant groups involved in the 2008 Mumbai attacks.
Tahawwur Rana, who was 50 years old, was sentenced to 30 years in prison.
However he is free from the demands of a more serious IE help plan the attack that killed 160 people.
He also was convicted in the case of plan of attack against newspaper Denmark, Jylland-Posten, which never load the cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad. The attack itself successfully thwarted.
Shutter in response feel disappointed over the ruling of the judge.
"We are very disappointed. We think they are wrong, '' Patrick Blegen, the power of the law of the shutter.
In this trial also featured David Headley, a close friend of Rana during the Military Academy of Pakistan.
Headley has previously been convicted in the same case.
During the trial, prosecutors claimed the shutter allowing Headley open his immigration service offices in Mumbai, which is then used as a base to plan Headley attacks.
But lawyer Rana called his client manipulated by Headley.
In the opening of the trial last month, Headley also claimed that Pakistan's Intelligence Agency (ISI) provide military aid and moral support for militancy group Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), for the assault on Mumbai.
Pakistan has denied the allegations.
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Al-Qaida warns America

Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri, the leader of the al-QaidaPemimpin al-Qaeda number two, Ayman al-Zawahiri warned Osama bin Laden still will make the United States "fear".
The statement put on site internet Jihadis.
This is done in five weeks after u.s. forces kill bin Laden, and less a week after another character, Ilyas Kashmiri, was killed because of U.S. manned aircraft.
This is for the first time al-Zawahiri speaks to the public since the death of bin Laden.
Still not clear who will be the new leaders of militant groups the world's most famous.
Most of the new al-Zawahiri message contains a tribute to Osama bin Laden.
He also expressed support to a series of riots in the Arab world and encourage the application of Islamic law in Egypt.
Al-Zawahiri also warned residents of Libya bombing of NATO's effort to replace the tyrant Muammar Gaddafi regime backed by the West.
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U.S. aircraft kills dozens in Pakistan

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

At least 15 people were killed in the attack aircraft, unmanned (drones) belonging to the United States in the region of North Waziristan, Pakistan kekabilahan, Pakistani officials said.
They told the news agency the Associated Press that the attack occurred in the area of Shawal Afghanistan not far from the border.
United States State of North Waziristan is a nest of some groups of militants involved in attacks on Nato forces in Afghanistan.
Officials said the planes that fired the five unmanned missiles, and destroy the complex those militants who built such as the castle in the village of Zoi.
A vehicle in the same area reportedly also hit by a missile shot.
Local officials said the death toll may still be growing.
They say, people who were killed were militants, however affiliate Group remains unclear.
Media barred from entry into the area and reports from there impossible be confirmed independently.
A BBC reporter in Islamabad, m. Ilyas Khan, said the region was controlled by the militants from the Group and the Haqqani network led by Hafiz Gul Bahadur.
U.S. Army unmanned aircraft fleet deployed in the conflict in Afghanistan.
Mountainous Shawal is the area between the North and South Waziristan kesekuan.
North Waziristan have often become targets of attack aircraft, unmanned in the last few months.
Meanwhile, four of five similar attacks aiming target in South Waziristan. A prominent al-Qaida in Pakistan, Ilyas Kashmiri, was reportedly killed in U.s. attack there in a few days ago.
Monday, three unmanned aircraft strikes killed at least 18 people in South Waziristan.
Those militants vowed to avenge the death of Ilyas Kashmiri, and also Osama bin Laden last month.
The United States is not always confirmed that they had launched an attack aircraft, unmanned, but among analysts said US military forces only have the ability to launch similar attacks in the region.
More than 100 attacks were reported last year in inland areas along the Afghanistan-Pakistan border
Many militants, some as a senior, was killed in the attack on pesawak robotic. However, hundreds of civilians were injured in the same serangang.
The attack was condemned by Pakistan is hard.
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China make sure are building aircraft carrier

The former aircraft carrier Varyag, Ukraine will become the carrier of Chinese pertamaKepala of staff of the Chinese people's Liberation Army (PLA) confirmed that the Chinese central building their first aircraft carrier.
General Chen Bingde refused to say when the carriers can be operated. This is a modification of the ship, the aircraft carrier Varyag in the Soviet era belongs to Ukraine.
A member of his staff said the aircraft carrier it would not be a threat to any country.
The ship was built at the port of Dalian, Northeast China is one of the projects that are not successfully concealed the Chinese Government.
General Chen issued this statement in the newspaper, Hong Kong Commercial Daily.
PLA, the world's largest army, very tight secrecy their defense programs.
Ships with a length of 300 metres is almost complete and expected to start doing test cruise this year.
However the BBC correspondent in Beijing, Michael Bristow said, that doesn't mean she will be immediately ready to perform the task.
Learn how to operate the former aircraft carrier Ukraine and then flew from it, according to a BBC correspondent, may need a few more years.
Lieutenant General Qi Jiangua, Assistant Chief of staff said a newspaper Commercial Daily, even if the carrier is used, the ship was "it's certainly not going to sail into the territorial waters of other countries".
"All great Nations in the world have their own carrier, it is a symbol of the keberasan of a nation," said Qi as quoted by the newspaper.
China currently has its border problems with some neighboring countries. But Lt. Gen. Qi said China has always followed the principles of "survive" for his military strategies.
"It would be better for us if we act more quickly in the understanding of the ocean and map our maritime capabilities it early," said Qi Jianghua.
"We now face enormous pressure on some of the ocean, whether it is in the South China Sea, East China Sea, Yellow Sea or the Straits of Taiwan," said Qi Juanghua refer to the contested waters-waters of China with neighboring countries.
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Viet Nam exercises with sharp shells

Kapal perang menembakkan rudalChina and the United States improve their military exercise in Asia of late iniVietnam said they would carry out military exercises with bullets penetrating the South China Sea amid tension with China with respect to the disputed waters.

Viet Nam warned ships to steer clear of the area off the coast of Central State that when they do exercise Monday.

This announcement followed pertengekaran with China regarding sovereignty in the area.

China reacted angrily after Viet Nam said one Chinese fishing boat crashed into a cable from one oil exploration in the exclusive economic zone of Viet Nam.

Beijing says Chinese ships fish hunted by ships armed Viet Nam in the incident Thursday.

Among Chinese it snagged the cable ship oil exploration Viet Nam, which then keep dragging ship China for over an hour before the nets iakan should be cut, said the Foreign Ministry.

China accuses Viet Nam did a "major violation" of its sovereignty, saying the action Viet Nam membayakan souls of the Chinese fishermen, and warns him to stop all "invasive" nature activities.

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Anonymous Hacker arrested in Spain

Logo grup peretas AnonymousAnonymous claimed an attack against Sony Three suspects of the Group Anonymous computer hacker arrested in Spain.

The Trio is reported to be involved in coordinating the activities of the group in Spain.

Catching them simultaneously take place in three cities-Barcelona, Valencia and Malaga.

Anonymous claimed responsibility for the attack on the Sony, bank-the bank of Spain and organized action to defend the site secret Wikileaks spreaders.

A statement from the national police of Spain said a computer seized from the home of one of the arrested, used to be paved.

This arrest is the culmination of an investigation which started in October 2010. The investigation involves police cyberspace Spain to combing of millions of chat on the internet to be able to identify who is coordinating the activities of this group.

Some of the attacks launched by members of the Anonymous use web-based software named Loic to bombard sites target them with data.

Site Paypal, Mastercard, and Amazon are all being subjected to by using this tool.

It seems Loic not too good in hiding the data of its users. Many believe some police forces against members of the group making arrests based on this information.

The arrests have been made against members of the United States, United Kingdom of Anonymous and the Netherlands before the raids in Spain took place.

Anonymous image sharing sites from 4Chan and describes himself as a group of concerned citizens of the internet.

In addition to attacking sites that their members do not support Wikileaks.

Organizations that are not hierarchical and very loose was also attacked government websites in Tunisia and Egypt to help the people's protest movement.

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Syria's army launched operation at Jisr al-Shughour

Jisr al-Shughour, SuriahThe protesters at Jisr al-Shughour during the funeral of demonstrators who were killed. Syria's army began to launch ' operation restore ' to the town of Jisr al-Shughour and the surrounding region.

State TV stations also reported that the city was controlled by armed groups that are already preparing his defense.

The announcement and the placement of the troops in the region have increased the flow of refugees to the region of Turkey.

The Government of Turkey mentioned the more than 2,000 citizens of Syria had already crossed the border as the anticipation over the so-called operation restore at Jisr al-Shughour.

The previous Government of Syria said 120 soldiers in the Northwest was killed.

Damascus point out armed groups, which killed 120 soldiers but there were reports that mention revolt among security apparatus.

Syria bans foreign journalists to enter the country so it is difficult to establish the reports that appear.

The BBC'S Jim Muir journalists in Beirut, Lebanon, said the resistance in the Jisr al-Shughour is a threat that the weight to President Bashar al-Assad

Local Government says local citizens calling for government intervention to restore peace and tranquility in the city.

Human rights groups said 1,100 people were killed in the rallies in Syria since March against the leadership of President Assad.

Unrest in Syria led to differences of opinion among the United Nations Security Council. France and the United Kingdom proposed a resolution to denounce the Government's action, but does not fully support

Brazil, China, and Russia argued that such a resolution which followed real action could aggravate tensions-precisely in the Middle East which is being churned.

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United Kingdom and France urges UN sikapi Syria

Protes SuriahProtestors in Syria face violence perpetrated by the military.United Kingdom and France urged that the UN Security Council voting to punish Government did Syria, following the violence that occurred during the last few months.

United Kingdom plan will submit a draft resolution on Wednesday (8/6).

But unlike the case in Libya, the draft was not proposing military action against the Government of Syria or sanctions.

Tuesday, the spokesman said a draft resolution of the United Kingdom will be submitted to the 15 members of the Security Council.

He added the voting will be conducted on this weekend or early next week.

Foreign Minister Alain Juppe said France was difficult to understand the attitude of the United Nations kept silent face worsening violence situation.

Previously, Alain Juppe said the actions of the repressive in Syria "deteriorate" and "murder on a massive increase".

"It's very difficult to understand the UNITED NATIONS kept silent face such conditions. We were with our friends in the United Kingdom is the vast majority of the Security Council, "said Minister of France.

However, a number of Board members, such as Brazil, South Africa and India-concerned the resolution it would be the entrance such as Libya, as reports of interventions journalist BBC Barbara Plett.

United Kingdom and France has revised the manuscript, to take the attention of States.

Both countries need to raise enough support in the Council in order to deal with Russia and China – the two large countries that reject the sanctions for Syria-to veto the resolution, such as our correspondent reports.

However, diplomats Russia repeated a statement rejecting the proposed resolution.

Envoy to Russia for the European Union in Brussels, Vladimir Chizhov, said: "the future of the UN Security Council resolution will be the same with a resolution of 1973 in Libya who will not be supported by my country. Decrease troops to Libya does not provide an answer.

Meanwhile in Syria, residents in the town of Jisr al-Shughour Syria mentioned leaving their homes to avoid military attack, after the Government said around 120 personnel were killed in the city.

The population remained in the city to establish border posts to monitor military operations, as presented by a witness.

The Government of Syria warns it will drop the army to eradicate armed groups that are accused of murder.

Meanwhile, Syria's Ambassador to France denied media reports that mention he had resigned.

In the interview by phone with France television, Lamia Chakkour said news coverage of his resignation, is part of a campaign against the President of Syria Bashar al-Assad.

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Ban Ki-moon nominated myself again

Monday, June 13, 2011

If you do not have a competitor until the end of June, Ban Ki-moon was lagiSekretaris of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon announced that he would run for a second term as leader of the world body.

Former Foreign Minister of South Korea was already leading the UNITED NATIONS since 2007.

Ban Gets a lot of praise for promoting issues such as climate change and the rights of women, but his quiet condemnation.

The diplomat said, in the absence of a rival for the position, the Ban could instantly win before the end of this month.

Ban said he had sent a letter to all States members of the UNITED NATIONS to "offer, with humble myself to be considered for a second term as Secretary-General of the United Nations."

The current term of office he will be out later this year.

Analysts said, if he does not have a rival, the Security Council could give approval and the General Assembly will hold a vote regarding the position before the end of June.

Office Ban defended his approach in international diplomacy, and said he worked behind the scenes with diplomacy quietly but also do public pressure to push the issue of human rights issues.

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Beef sales slumped in Australia

Daging sapi ekspor, termasuk di Australia, dijual di toserba di IndonesiaThe origin of beef farms in Australia is also sold in department stores in IndonesiaPermintaan will be beef in Australia reported decreased after TV footage about the treatment of beef imports in some slaughterhouses in Indonesia.

Among the meat sellers reported reported sales of beef dropped 10-15% since the show investigation which showed footage of cows being slaughtered and flogged premiered last week.

The Government of Australia has been stopped while the export of animals live to slaughter houses are shown in the television show.

However, there is a vigorous appeal to Australia banned the export of beef to Indonesia.

Meat Industry Council of Australia (AMIC) said the concerns of the community that has been gushing cause dramatic influence for meat business.

Some consumers even avoid total beef consumption, said the institution.

Most of the other consumers asking for the assurance of meat Manager that generates about how slaughter meat they sell.

Meanwhile, organic produce and Deli meats are touted in the industry as '' the butcher '' reported an increase in unethical sales figures.

Australia memasok banyak sapi hidup ke pasar ternak Indonesia Australia supplying many cows living to market cattle Indonesia

The footage broadcast by the ABC raises a huge impact on public opinion in Australia, and Prime Minister Julia Gillard faced the demands of the increasingly hard to implement a comprehensive ban on the export of all live animals into Indonesia.

Execute members of Parliament Australia sends video recordings that are not shown in the program to persuade the PRIME MINISTER to support the prohibition will be done gradually in the next three years.

About 700,000 exported from Australia each year, and most were sent to Indonesia.

Meat and livestock industry worry that the source of livelihood in rural Australia will be destroyed if the total ban was imposed.

They then ask of compromise. The bottom line, livestock Australia will only be slaughtered in slaughterhouses which meet the international standard.

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Plantations in Germany ' source of e. coli '

Agricultural complex was identified as the source of the bean sprouts bacteria e. coliSebuah farm in Northern Germany as the most identifiable may be the source of the spread of the bacteria e. coli that cause 22 people died.

Agricultural company that also produced bean sprouts it's located at Uelzen, South of Hamburg, which became the center of an outbreak of e. coli that also led to more than 2000 people fall ill.

The officials of Germany now waiting the results of laboratory tests for the agricultural products of the company in order to get a more conclusive evidence.

Agriculture is now closed and the citizens of Germany are required to be used to consume fresh bean sprouts.

The Minister of Agriculture of the European Union will hold a meeting of the daururat on Tuesday (07/06) to discuss the epidemic and its impact on agricultural production, thus declared the Office of the Presidency of the European Union.

The Ministers would "see how the EU can respond to the economic impact of this crisis," said Eu spokesman Roger Waite.

Spain has already confirmed the country would demand compensation due to the loss of "serious and could not be repaired" against his farm products market after earlier cucumber Spain La Liga team as spreaders bacterium e. coli.

Minister of agriculture Region of Saxony, Gert Lindermann said: "further evidence appears and leads to a farm in Uelzen as a source of cases of e. coli, or at least one source".

Evidence would depend on the results of the tests, but "have been found to do that against a major plague agriculture."

Complex farming alleged spreaders of e. coli that supply the bean sprouts for a number of restaurants and markets in the city of Hamburg and the neighboring provinces.

Lindermann says agriculture that produces different types of bean sprouts from seeds-the seeds are imported from a number of different countries.

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UN: AIDS ending 2020

aidsUntil the year 2011 there are 60 million people are infected with HIV/AIDSSekretaris of the United Nations Ban Ki-Moon asked for any global action to end disease AIDS in 2020.

"It's our goal, there are no more new infections, stigmatization and death due to AIDS, '' said Ban while opening a Conference on AIDS in New York.

This three-day meeting as well as commemorating 30 years of the discovery of the HIV virus that can cause AIDS.

Currently, 34 million people exposed to HIV but only half of them are realized if they have AIDS.

5 June 1981: CDC announced the existence of a lethal new virus 1982: the term AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) was first used 1984: Virus called HIV 1985: Rock Hudson died of AIDS. Ryan White, a teenager who is infected with AIDS due to the treatment of hemophilia expelled from school 1987: First showing of the Aids Memorial Quilt on the National Mall in Washington DC 1991: red tape was first used by Jeremy Irons and a left-handed NBA Magic Johnson HIV-infected 1993: Film Philadelphia, which tells the story about people with AIDS won two Oscars 2000: infections in the u.s. among African Americans increased 2011 rather than homosexual circles: Mortality reaches 22 million of the 60 million are infected

'' Today, we gather to end AIDS, ' '

'' If we look at the history of AIDS then we must be resolute. That means including dealing with sensitive issues such as same-sex relationships, drug users and prostitution, '' firmly Secretary-general.

Ban also asked the global community for creating global solidarity together in the face of AIDS.

The meeting followed 30 Presidents and heads of Government also used a number of African leaders to express the difficulty of funding in tackling AIDS.

'' Funding is the key to success in the penangulangan AIDS, '' said Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan, whose country is ranked the second person with AIDS in the world after South Africa.

The President of Gabon-Ali Bongo Ondimba said the resources available in Africa '' very limited given the spread of AIDS that extends in the region of Africa ''.

More than 9 million people not get the treatment of antiretroviral drugs and an estimated 1.8 million people died of AIDS.

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North Korea closes dialog with Carousel

jong ilKim Jong-il several times visited the CinaKorea North stated there is no room for dialogue with South Korea. The statement keluarisaat Messenger Carousel visit to Beijing.

Envoy to North Korea Affairs Carousel, Wi Sung-lac are in Beijing with his colleague Wu Dawei.

The statement reported that the ROK Yonhap News Agency linked to the fixed tension increased between the two countries after the incident the peninsula of Korea last year.

Diplomacy during this continue to be encouraged to find ways to restore back the talks related to North Korea's nuclear projects.

Meeting of the six parties which consists of the two Korea, China, Russia, Japan and the US was discontinued in 2009.

An attempt to turn this meeting into a difficult after two incidents last year, the sinking of the Rok warship that killed 46 pelautnya and North Korea of shooting done to an island claimed by the ROK as well as the killing of numerous civilians.

During this time China was known as an ally of North Korea and recently will open economic zone along their border.

Opening ceremony of the joint economic zone located on the two islands, Hwanggumphyong and Wihwa at the mouth of the Yalu River.

North Korea leader Kim Jong-il last month's visit to China, the Chinese called his arrival by as an invitation to study China's economic improvement.

North Korea is currently still subject to sanctions by cutting food aid and electricity.

The US and the EU is currently studying whether sanctions cutting food aid is continued or not, and have yet to determine a time limit on such policies.

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OPEC will discuss quota increases

OPECBefore the crisis, Libya is supplying 1.3 million barrels per day to world oil supply.The oil-producing countries (OPEC) production quota increase will discuss officially for the first time since 2007.

This talk is done to help the recovery of the global economy and replace the loss due to reduced production in Libya.

OPEC can mengelontorkan oil "If the markets need it", as presented by the Angolan Oil Minister Jose Botelho Thursday de Vasconcelos told reporters in a meeting in Vienna, as reported to AFP.

Intergovernmental Group that supplies 40 percent of the needs of the oil, will announce how much increase in the quota after a meeting of the 12 countries members in Vienna.

OPEC production pegged targets at 24.84 million barrels per day since January 2009, but the cartel is producing overcome limits specified to replace supplies from Libya were at a standstill because of the crisis in that country.

Consumers of oil asked OPEC to raise oil production amid fears of an increase in the price of oil – Oil Brent above $ 100 a barrel--which could affect the global economic recovery.

The price of crude oil jumped to about 21 percent since the beginning of this year, following the riots that occurred in the Middle East and North African countries.

The riots that occurred in Libya which is a member of OPEC, happened since last February, leaving 1.3 million barrels of oil per day decreased from world oil markets.

Every day Libya produced 1.4 million barrels per day, before a crisis occurs.

Officials in Saudi Arabia that is supported by oil producers such as Kuwait and the UAE, urged that the production increased to 1.5 million barrels per day, despite getting a rejection from Venezuela, Iraq and Iran--which holds the rotating Presidency of the organization.

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